Vasai-Virar, a city that has seen rapid growth and development over the years, is now facing a serious issue that is putting the lives of its residents at risk. The problem lies in the poorly maintained roads and the open or broken drain covers that are scattered throughout the city. These open drains, especially during the monsoon season, have become a significant concern for the public, particularly for school children.

The Issue at Hand

The roads in Vasai-Virar are often rough and uneven, and the drains or gutters that run alongside these roads are frequently left uncovered or with broken covers. This negligence has led to several accidents, especially among school children who use these roads daily. There have been multiple incidents where children have fallen into these open drains, resulting in serious injuries.

Just last month, a 13-year-old boy fell into an open drain and was severely injured. His story is not unique. Every year, during the monsoon season, the residents of Vasai-Virar face the same problems. The roads become waterlogged, the open drains become hidden hazards, and the citizens, particularly the children and the elderly, are left to navigate these treacherous conditions.

The Monsoon Menace

The monsoon season in Vasai-Virar brings with it a host of challenges. The heavy rains cause water to accumulate on the roads, making it difficult for pedestrians and drivers alike to see the open drains. This increases the risk of accidents, as people can easily fall into these uncovered gutters.

Despite the recurring nature of these incidents, little seems to be done to address the issue. Every year, just before the monsoon season, the Municipal Commissioner issues orders to ensure that the drains are covered and the roads are safe for public use. However, these orders often fall on deaf ears. Contractors and engineers responsible for carrying out these tasks are often negligent, and the municipal officials seem powerless to enforce these orders. Instead, they remain confined to their air-conditioned offices, more concerned with processing bills than ensuring the safety of the public.

A Call for Accountability

The citizens of Vasai-Virar are growing increasingly frustrated with the lack of action from the authorities. They are asking a simple question: when will the officials take responsibility for these accidents? The recurring incidents point to a systemic failure, where the safety of the public is compromised year after year due to the negligence of those in charge.

In response to these concerns, social worker Nilesh Bhatt has taken up the issue with the Municipal Commissioner. He has demanded that all officials across the city’s nine divisions be reminded of their responsibilities towards the safety of the citizens. Bhatt insists that strict orders should be issued to ensure that the contractors do their job properly. If any unfortunate incident occurs due to the negligence of the contractor, the concerned official should be held accountable.

Bhatt’s stance is clear: until and unless strict actions are taken against negligent officials, they will continue to ignore their responsibilities, and innocent citizens will continue to suffer. The call for accountability is not just about assigning blame; it’s about ensuring that the necessary steps are taken to prevent such accidents from happening in the first place.

The Human Cost

The impact of these accidents is not just physical but also emotional. Families are left to deal with the trauma of seeing their loved ones injured or worse, due to accidents that could have been easily prevented. The fear of navigating the city’s roads, especially during the monsoon season, weighs heavily on the minds of parents who worry about the safety of their children.

Injuries from such accidents can have long-term consequences, affecting the quality of life for the victims. School children, who should be focused on their studies and enjoying their childhood, are instead forced to deal with the physical and emotional scars of these accidents. The elderly, who are already vulnerable, face increased risks as they try to navigate the city’s unsafe roads.

The Need for Change

The situation in Vasai-Virar is a stark reminder of the need for better urban planning and governance. The safety of the citizens should be the top priority for any city administration. Yet, in Vasai-Virar, the repeated failure to address the issue of open drains and broken roads suggests a lack of commitment to public safety.

It is not enough to issue orders and directives; there needs to be a system of accountability in place to ensure that these orders are followed through. Contractors who fail to do their job should face consequences, and officials who turn a blind eye to the problems should be held responsible. Only then can the city hope to see a change in the situation.

The Way Forward

The citizens of Vasai-Virar cannot continue to live in fear of their city’s roads. The municipal administration must take immediate and decisive action to address the issue of open drains. This includes repairing broken covers, ensuring that all drains are properly covered, and maintaining the roads to prevent waterlogging during the monsoon season.

Additionally, there needs to be greater transparency in the functioning of the municipal administration. The public should be made aware of the steps being taken to address these issues, and there should be a clear timeline for when these steps will be completed. Engaging with the community, listening to their concerns, and involving them in the decision-making process can also help in finding sustainable solutions to these problems.


The open drains in Vasai-Virar are not just a minor inconvenience; they are a serious hazard that has already caused harm to many. The citizens have had enough of the empty promises and inaction from the authorities. It’s time for the municipal administration to step up and take responsibility for the safety of the city’s residents. Only then can the people of Vasai-Virar hope to walk the streets without fear, knowing that their city is truly looking out for them.