On a crisp winter morning on December 26th, 2023, something extraordinary unfolded at St. Gonsalo Garcia Church in Stella Vasai West. A gathering of individuals joined together to commemorate the 100th birthday of a significant figure, Br. Stephen Christopher Murphy. Organised by St. Augustines Vasai Alumni (AVA), this remarkable event united teachers, friends and former students eager to reminisce and pay tribute to the distinguished founder of St. Augustine’s High School in Vasai.

The event started at 9:00 AM, and the church was filled with warmth and joy as everyone gathered to pay tribute to Br. Stephen Christopher Murphy. People of all ages, especially those who were once students at St. Augustine’s, came to show their love and appreciation for their beloved Principal.

Video Courtesy: St. Augustines Vasai Alumni

The church was adorned with beautiful decorations, and there was a special feeling in the air, as memories of Br. Murphy’s inspiring presence filled the hearts of everyone present. The ceremony was more of a happy celebration of the incredible legacy left behind by this remarkable person.

Old friends and classmates, now grown up, shared stories of their time at St. Augustine’s High School. They talked about how Br. Stephen Christopher Murphy touched their lives with his kindness, wisdom, and the love he had for each student. It was like a big family reunion where everyone had a common thread – the beautiful memories they shared at the school.

During the ceremony, there were moments of reflection, where people remembered the lessons they learned from Br. Stephen. Some shared how he taught them to be kind to others, while others talked about the importance of hard work and dedication. It was heartwarming to see how one person’s influence could have such a positive impact on so many lives.

The atmosphere was filled with gratitude and love as people took turns expressing their feelings for the man who made a difference in the lives of countless individuals.

AVA members generously distributed cakes, coffee, and memoirs with those present. The attendees posed for group photographs that captured the essence of the celebration. These pictures tell a story of unity, friendship, and the strong bond formed by the students of St. Augustine’s High School. The photos showed smiling faces, warm hugs, and the joy of being together once again.

As the ceremony came to an end, there was a sense of closure but also a feeling of inspiration. Br. Stephen Christopher Murphy’s legacy would live on in the hearts of those who knew him, and the values he instilled in his students would continue to shape their lives.

The event was not just about remembering the past but also about carrying forward the teachings and principles Br. Stephen Christopher Murphy believed in. It was a day filled with love, laughter, and the spirit of unity, showcasing the powerful impact one person can have on a community.