In a bizarre and dramatic turn of events, a 30-year-old man from Vasai, a suburb in Maharashtra’s Palghar district, set his own motorcycle on fire after being caught for drunk driving. The incident took place on a Thursday afternoon, and it left both onlookers and local authorities stunned by the man’s actions.

The man, identified as Ravi Swami Nair, is a bus driver by profession and a resident of Vasai. What started as a routine traffic stop quickly escalated into a scene straight out of a movie, leaving his motorcycle reduced to ashes.

The Routine Traffic Stop Turns Chaotic

The trouble began when Nair was flagged down by the traffic police in Vasai for riding his motorcycle while intoxicated. Senior Traffic Inspector Mahesh Shettye from the Vasai division of the traffic police recounted how the situation unfolded. According to Inspector Shettye, Nair was riding his two-wheeler in an obviously inebriated condition, swerving dangerously on the road. Concerned about the safety of other drivers and pedestrians, the police officers pulled him over for a routine check.

After confirming that Nair was under the influence of alcohol, the officers took necessary action. They confiscated his motorcycle and clamped the rear wheel to prevent him from riding it any further. As part of the standard procedure, the officers asked him to bring the RC (Registration Certificate) book of the vehicle for further verification.

At this point, what should have been a routine interaction took an unexpected and shocking turn. Nair’s reaction to the confiscation of his motorcycle was far from normal. Rather than comply with the officers’ request or accept the situation, he became increasingly agitated.

Nair’s Furious Reaction

Eyewitnesses and police officers on the scene observed how Nair’s anger seemed to grow by the minute. After his motorcycle’s rear wheel was clamped, something snapped in him. Instead of calming down or complying with the instructions, Nair acted out of sheer frustration. He reportedly pulled out a matchbox from his pocket—a strange item to be carrying under normal circumstances—and proceeded to take a drastic step.

According to one of the traffic police officers who witnessed the event, Nair removed the petrol pipe from his motorcycle in a fit of rage. What happened next left everyone in disbelief: Nair struck a match and set the motorcycle on fire.

“It all happened so fast,” said the traffic officer, still surprised by the suddenness of the event. “One moment we were just doing our job, the next moment his bike was on fire.”

Flames Engulf the Motorcycle

The fire quickly spread across the motorcycle, with the flames engulfing the vehicle within minutes. By the time the officers realized what was happening, it was too late to intervene and prevent the destruction. Despite their attempts to douse the fire, the damage had already been done. The motorcycle was completely destroyed, reduced to little more than a pile of ashes.

“Before we could even react, the bike was completely consumed by the fire,” the officer recounted. “There was nothing we could do to save it.”

Detention and Further Action

Once the flames had died down and the remains of the motorcycle were extinguished, the focus shifted to dealing with Nair’s behavior. Setting fire to a vehicle in a public place is not only a dangerous act but also a serious offense, especially given that it was an intentional act of arson.

The local traffic police immediately reported the incident to their counterparts at the Manikpur police station, who were called in to take over the situation. Nair was detained by the police on the spot, and further legal action was initiated against him. The police will now proceed with a thorough investigation to understand the full details of what led to Nair’s reckless behavior.

Senior officials confirmed that Nair would face several charges, not just for drunk driving but also for setting his motorcycle ablaze. “This is not something we see every day,” said one of the officers involved in the case. “We deal with drunk driving cases regularly, but this level of destruction and defiance is unusual. There will be consequences for his actions.”

A Reminder of the Dangers of Drunk Driving

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the dangers posed by drunk driving. While most drunk driving cases involve fines, vehicle confiscation, or arrests, this incident took an extraordinary turn, highlighting just how unpredictable such situations can become.

Road safety experts emphasize that driving under the influence of alcohol is not just dangerous for the person involved but for everyone on the road. Intoxicated drivers have impaired judgment, reduced reaction times, and are prone to making irrational decisions, as evidenced by Nair’s actions.

Drunk driving remains a major cause of accidents, injuries, and fatalities on roads across India, and the authorities regularly conduct drives to catch offenders. The actions taken by the Vasai traffic police were part of one such routine effort to curb dangerous driving practices and ensure public safety.

Consequences for Nair

As Nair remains in police custody, it is clear that his actions will not go without punishment. Legal experts suggest that he could face charges under multiple sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), including those related to public endangerment, destruction of property, and violation of traffic laws.

In addition to any legal penalties, Nair may also face significant personal and financial consequences. His decision to destroy his own motorcycle leaves him without transportation and could potentially impact his livelihood as a bus driver. Depending on the outcome of the legal proceedings, he could also face a suspension or revocation of his driving license.


What began as a standard traffic stop ended in an unforgettable and chaotic scene in Vasai, with a man taking the extreme step of setting his motorcycle on fire in frustration. While the event is unusual, it underscores the broader issue of drunk driving and its potential to lead to unpredictable and dangerous outcomes. Authorities are now handling the case, and Nair will likely face serious consequences for his actions.