In a surprising twist during an Independence Day gathering, Vasai’s Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA) Hitendra Thakur directed sharp criticism at Anil Kumar Pawar, the Municipal Commissioner of Vasai-Virar. Thakur expressed his dissatisfaction with the city’s three and a half year administration. After the flag-raising ceremony, an additional gathering had been arranged for residents to speak with local leaders. This is where the incident took place.

Exchange of Heated Words with Civic Commissioner

As citizens raised concerns about health problems, water shortages, and traffic congestion, the frustration of MLA Hitendra Thakur intensified while Commissioner Anil Kumar Pawar attempted to address these issues. Thakur openly condemned Pawar’s management, holding him responsible for what he deemed as the city’s decline during his tenure. Thakur’s language grew confrontational, challenging Pawar by saying, “Do you think of yourself as a ruler? I will come to the office and beat you.”

Thakur’s critical stance extended beyond the Commissioner. When Deputy Commissioner Charushila Pandit tried to offer a response, Thakur dismissed her brusquely, asserting his preference for answers from commissioners, and not parrots. Additional Commissioner Ramesh Manale’s explanation about the traffic congestion concern was met with Thakur’s disapproval, who questioned the quality of surveys conducted by officials.

Officials Remain Silent

In the aftermath of this verbal clash, officials, including the Municipal Commissioner, chose to remain silent. No official statements have been issued in response to Thakur’s outburst. Despite the absence of official remarks, the incident has spurred conversations throughout the city.

Leader of Opposition Condemns Thakur’s Conduct

Ambadas Danve, the Leader of the Opposition in the Legislative Council, voiced his disapproval of Thakur’s actions, deeming them an inappropriate way to engage with government officers. Danve stressed the importance of accountability while advocating against resorting to aggressive tactics. Conversely, Hitendra Thakur defended his behavior, explaining that his intentions were to motivate officials into swift action to address citizen grievances, particularly the persistent issue of water scarcity