In a shocking incident, a 23-year-old known criminal was beaten to death by a mob in Vasai East after he was caught stealing a mobile phone. This tragic event took place early on Wednesday morning.

The Incident

Around 6 AM, Abhishek Soni was caught red-handed trying to steal a mobile phone from a shop. The shop owner immediately raised an alarm, which attracted the attention of nearby people. A group quickly gathered and started attacking Soni. They beat and kicked him relentlessly. By the time the police arrived, the crowd had dispersed, leaving Soni bleeding on the road. The police rushed him to a nearby hospital, but he was declared dead on arrival.

Soni’s Criminal Background

The police revealed that Soni was a habitual offender with a long history of criminal activities. He had at least six cases of housebreaking and robbery registered against him. “We had also arrested Soni for possessing drugs. He was an addict who often stole mobile phones or wallets to get quick money for narcotics,” said an officer from the Pelhar police station.

Investigation Underway

The police have registered a case against the unidentified people who assaulted Soni. “We are reviewing the CCTV footage from the area to identify those involved in the lynching,” the officer added. The police are also recording the statement of the shop owner to help identify the mob members responsible for Soni’s death.

Detailed Background

Abhishek Soni, only 23 years old, had a troubled past marked by criminal activities. His life had taken a wrong turn at an early age, leading him into a cycle of crime and drug addiction. The police had arrested him multiple times, but each time, he returned to his old ways. His addiction to drugs was a major driving force behind his criminal activities. He often resorted to theft to get money for his next fix.

The Morning of the Incident

On that fateful morning, Soni decided to steal a mobile phone from a shop in Vasai East. It was early, around 6 AM, and the streets were still relatively quiet. However, the shop owner was vigilant and quickly noticed Soni’s attempt to steal the phone. As soon as the owner raised an alarm, the situation escalated rapidly.

People from nearby areas gathered quickly, and emotions ran high. The crowd, fueled by anger and frustration, took matters into their own hands. They started beating Soni without waiting for the police to arrive. The mob mentality took over, and soon, Soni was lying on the ground, bleeding and unconscious.

Police Arrival and Aftermath

When the police finally reached the scene, the mob scattered. The officers found Soni in a critical condition and immediately took him to the hospital. Unfortunately, it was too late. The doctors declared him dead on arrival.

The police are now trying to piece together what happened and who was involved. They are checking CCTV footage from the area to identify the attackers. They have also started questioning the shop owner and other witnesses to get more information about the incident.

Community Reactions

The incident has sent shockwaves through the local community. People are divided in their opinions. Some believe that Soni got what he deserved due to his criminal background. Others feel that no one has the right to take the law into their own hands, no matter the circumstances.

The Larger Issue

This incident highlights a larger issue in our society – the lack of trust in the legal system. When people feel that justice is not being served, they sometimes take matters into their own hands. This can lead to dangerous situations like the one in Vasai East.

The Way Forward

The police are committed to finding those responsible for Soni’s death. They are urging people to come forward with any information that might help the investigation. At the same time, they are reminding the public to let the law take its course and not resort to violence.


The tragic death of Abhishek Soni is a stark reminder of the dangers of mob justice. It also underscores the need for effective law enforcement and community engagement to prevent such incidents in the future. The police are working hard to bring the perpetrators to justice, and they urge everyone to cooperate and maintain peace in the community.