In a very sad event that happened on a Saturday night in Vasai, a 25-year-old construction worker got arrested for killing his coworker, who was the younger brother of the boss. This happened because the worker didn’t get enough money in his monthly salary, just ₹2,000 less.

The worker’s name is Arbaz Shaikh, and the person who died is Mohammed Moin Faruki, who was 38 years old. They used to work and live together on the construction site. They were building a place called Casa Teresa in Dewaan Maan area in Vasai West. The police officer in charge, Sampat Patil, said that Arbaz and Faruki shared a tent and cooked together. Faruki’s older brother was the boss of the site, but he was in Borivali overseeing another site. So, he left Faruki in charge while he was away.

On that Saturday evening at 8 pm, Faruki gave Arbaz ₹8,000 as his salary, like his brother told him to do. But when Arbaz counted the money, he realized he was supposed to get ₹10,000, not ₹8,000. This made Arbaz really mad, and he started yelling at Faruki. Faruki got angry too and yelled back. The argument got worse, and Arbaz got even angrier. He grabbed a metal rod from the construction site and hit Faruki on the head with it. Faruki fell down and was bleeding a lot. Arbaz got scared and ran away.

After a little while, some people passing by saw Faruki bleeding and called the police right away. The police arrived late at night on Saturday and rushed Faruki to the hospital. But sadly, the doctors couldn’t save him. He died from his injuries. Sampat Patil, the police officer, said they found Arbaz by using the location of his mobile phone. They caught him at Kurla Terminus, where he was trying to escape to his village.

This is a very sad and upsetting situation. It reminds us how important it is to control our anger and not let it lead to such terrible consequences. It has caused a lot of pain and sadness for the people involved and their families. We should always try to find peaceful solutions to our problems and treat each other with kindness and respect.